The Center for Professional Selling, housed within the Michael J. Coles College of
Business at Kennesaw State University, has established a professional reputation worldwide.
Our mission is to prepare and develop future leaders of the sales profession by educating
students in the most advanced concepts and practices of sales.
Our faculty members have more than 20 years of combined consulting experience and
have conducted more than 40 published sales management research projects.
An Investment in the Future of the Profession of Selling
Central to the Success of the Sales Program at Kennesaw State University is the belief
in and implementation of the following philosophy:
The Profession of Selling is an Honorable endeavorthat has made significant contributions to the growth and development of this country
and the economy worldwide. The sales profession has made substantial contributions
toward improving the quality of life of individuals and the profitability of industry.
Honorable - Purest, highest, noblest kind of goodness, honesty, fairness, or integrity
in one's beliefs and actions, gracious, noble, excellent, disciplined in the inner
Mission of the Salesperson in Business and Industry
To assist organizations and individuals in improving their business and the quality
of life of the organization and their respective customers. Salespeople accomplish
this mission through partnering with individuals and organizations and uncovering
and identifying the needs, issues, goals, and problems of their prospects and clients,
and developing solutions that are beneficial to all parties.
The salesperson can only accomplish his or her mission through professional, ethical,
and integrity-laden conduct. The salesperson accomplishes this mission through honorable
practice that considers the interests of his or her clients and prospective clients.
The salesperson persuades and influences without manipulation or coercion.
"You can have everything you want out of life if you help enough other people get
what they want out of life."
Zig Ziglar
The 正规博彩十大网站排名 Center for Professional Selling endeavors to invest in the future of the sales
profession and make a truly meaningful and positive difference in the manner in which
the profession is conducted and also perceived in the eyes of those engaged in sales
and sales activities as well as in the eyes of those outside of the profession.
The 正规博彩十大网站排名 Center for Professional Selling faculty, staff, administration, and others
associated with the Center endeavor to, at all times, act in a professional manner
conducive to the above-stated mission and endeavor to always produce the highest quality
product and programs. All activities, programs, and materials reflect the mission
of the Center as described.
Terry W. Loe, PhD Executive Director, Center for Professional Selling Coles College of Business Kennesaw State University
Scott A. Inks, PhD Director, Center for Professional Selling Coles College of Business Kennesaw State University